Friday, September 26, 2008

Who won, who cares?

As we hear the right claim MAC is back; and the left is praising Obama for his tact and thorough knowledge on this issues at play; this debate fundamentally proved one point. Those who support McCain will think he did well, those who support Obama will say he won hands down. Those on the fence will probably prefer the gentleman approach of Obama over the gruntness and distance of McCain (Bush looks like Santa Claus compared to Mc's ice freeze). Those on the fence, tonight probably did not help McCain, and probably did not hurt Obama.

I have to be honest. I really want Obama to get aggressive and attack McCain for the lies he spews each day. I want Obama to ask McCain why he had to "suspend" his campaign to save Washington, while he still fund raised, his surrogates continued to go on TV, his ads ran, and he avoided the press while talking to some house Republicans then prepared for the debates ? No deal yet, if anything, as been reported McCain ruffled some calm feathers in Washington and screwed up the progress the Congress and administration had on immediate relief.

How did he put his country first? He put McCain first!

Why did Obama mention his vice president nominee twice, and all McCain could do is wink and state "I have another Maverick along with me on this ticket." A Maverick who is continuously being debunked and made an absolute fool of herself in a recent interview with Katie Couric. A VP candidate who's lack of knowledge and deer caught in headlights answers to question is pulling the McCain campaign down--to the point where it will become a historical joke if he does not win.

Yet, John McCain appeals to people, it bewilders me but it is true. He's right, he did not win Miss Congeniality in the Senate the past 25 years but his record shows that he has supported the failed policies of the failed Bush administration 90% of the time. Because of this support, Americans are not in a good place, from Wall Street to Main Street, from Pakistan, Russia to China. There are alot of issues at hand that the next president will have to undertake, it's a job no one should fight this hard for...a mess. But the one sided "must win in Iraq" message is only one of many reasons that we are in this financial and global crisis.

McCain could not look at Obama once. He sneered and snided his way through one dimensional answers and tried to use his charisma to charm the crowd and American people, and frankly issues are too important for this to be another Miss Congeniality pageant. Bush won with that card in 2000 and 2004. And in fact, McCain is known to be a hard man to deal with, that obviously showed in his body language during the debate tonight. But as always, Obama is only another man in the room. McCain first!

Foreign policy is Obama's weakness, but tonight he proved to be knowledgeable and he showed willingness to promote a future that is more in line with the world as it is, not as it was. McCain, and many older conservatives are still practicing old style politics while our competing nations are reshaping the dynamics of global world. In essence, the world is flipping Bush's dangerous bifrucated challenge, "you either with us, or without us." Well, McCain would like to take that as a challenge to assert military might. Obama is willing to look toward the future, with an understanding it can't be America only and all the time. That lessens our own national security. Iraq has diminished our national security. And how we are perceived throughout the world has declined dramatically in a short period of time. THIS IS BECAUSE OF THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION THAT MCCAIN WHOLEHEARTEDLY SUPPORTS!

The global community is hoping that we make a vote for change. Across the globe, people are hoping that we make the right decision to elect a president who has professional acumen, who is in touch with the current reality of the world, someone who is willing to look eye to eye with his opponent and say ENOUGH!

John McCain supports Bush's policies and believes they should remain as is. However, he would like to cut spending on localized projects and infrastructure developments that are essential to our everyday needs. Why bother checking to make sure the Williamsburg Bridge is in tact, as with the economy as in Iraq, just let it roll until disaster! And if these current Bush policies continue AND if McCain cuts all new spending bills then we are headed for such disaster.

Vote for change!

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