Sunday, September 14, 2008

Damned if ya do, damned if ya don't--on NY Times

I read the above article late last night when it first went public. After reading it, shortly before going to bed, circles of ideas ran through my head on how this will be termed "Liberal New York Times" fodder. I knew the RIGHT was going to attack it hard, compare it to People Mag or even worse, the National Enquirer (who, if we remembered is credited with "breaking" the whole John Edwards' affair dealy). I knew all across the land accusations of double-standards, sexism, and misleading journalism would be heard. And they will be....wait...

Damned if ya do, Damned if ya dont...
Many in the media, and even more Obama supporters, have attacked the media for tip-toeing around Ms. Palin's executive experience and personal background. And now, a major public media outlet has published an investigative (their job) report on Pailin's political background and the experience of Alaska since she became a PUBLIC figure. THEY DID IT! But now, after reading quite a few of online responses, I read attacks on the paper that range from "No wonder why you are going bankrupt" to "once again, New York Times panders to the pinkos."

You will hear it from the McPalin campaign next week, New York Times reporters (who were the actual wolves unleashed in Alaska, this article is proof) are pandering to the left, loosing subscribers, OBAMABOTS, (you know the rest). And this will be for doing it's job, sending investigators in to do research, and cite that research by use of personal interviews, to actual records--i.e. journalism. Journalism is about facts and the Bush III campaign is not; so of course they would disagree. This, to them, is smearing Sarah Palin, the untouchable of all vice president candidates in US history. This who campaign has been about the side of facts (the issues: economy, foriegn policy, health care, support of our military, better education, facing the morgage and energy crises....I could go on....) comprable to LIES, SECRECY, and ULTIMATELY PREDICATED ON THE FACT THAT THE ISSUES DON'T MATTER--NYTimes reporting the turth of "lies" does.
Damned if ya do, Damned if ya don't.

Well listen folks. After reading responses to said article, people from all over the country and out in our global community are coming out and saying FINALLY, SOMEONE DARED TO TOUCH THE UNTOUCHABLE. More people are saying, "Yikes, I thought Cheney was bad," to "Thank you NYTimes for shedding light on the real Palin, her interview disturbed me, but now I know she is not a good choice for the job." Yes, this article will turn more people to the Obama side because all you will hear next week is about the awful reporters from the NYTimes from the the meantime, those who read actual investigative journalism will be on to the party politics and devisive nature of Rovian politics and the McPlain campaign.

Damned if ya do! Damned YOU DID!
So thank you New York Times for daring to "go there." Thank you American people, for not letting the lying take you away from the people. And REPUBLICANS WAKE UP! I watch so many of you defend her and McCain and I wonder if you believe your own spin. (I told my mother I heard so much spin from Rudy Gulianni on MTP this morning that I vomitted.) How can this be supported? How can this be explained? How can this be good for America, all America and Americans, proud of the red, white and true blue? How can you offer us the same politics of the last 8 years and spin it for us to beg for more?

From the 120 comments I read, maybe ten of them slandered the Times on their "Marxist" reporting. More and more people are catching on.

For more on double standards and the "damned if ya do, NOT THIS TIME!" aspect of this campaign, please see my post from Sept. 12 on Spin is Dangerous to Democracy on

Change is a necessity and as more and more is unconvered there is only one option for change.
I knew that all along....

And now, back to football!!!

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