Monday, September 15, 2008

It's the economy, is such an UNDERSTATEMENT...

As usual, on my way to bed last night, I double-checked the online news out there to see what the American societal and political outlook will be like when the morning papers are dropped on our doorsteps.

That must have been why my dreams were actually nightmares, and I hardly got a wink of sleep.


It's not my Palin obsession, nor my MUST DO EVERYTHING TO GET BARACK ELECTED, surge of the past few weeks. That will continue. But what I read last night and confirmed this morning is that we are headed down a very tenuous and possible detrimental economic path and it is getting scarier and scarier each day...

Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, Lehman, Merrill Lynch, and expect more while the stock market plummets, means bail out! bail out! BAIL OUT! And who will that hurt??? Um...those of us who pay taxes of course!

The Neo-Republican message, with Bush/Cheney and McCain/Palin as messengers, has been support privatization because if you screw up the taxpayers got your back. And what makes it even more troubling is that the CEOs and higher ups in these companies are still getting rich, all while people suffer. Common people bail out the top1% richest folks in the world. You don't need to read or be Paul Krugman to figure this out.

THIS IS LASSIEZ FAIRE ECONOMICS GONE ABSOLUTELY WILD--AND WRONG! We will not come out of the Bush presidency knowing what the Bush Doctrine is but we will know what the Bush Economy was....

Most Republicans believe in less government. I agree with them on some levels. However, the government in recent years have blended the lines of government and corporate wealth. We all know that the Bush world is surrounded with former CEOs, major stock holders and some of the richest folks in the land, with many interests overseas. Therefore, the idea of laissez faire-status quo economy (explained simply as leave it go and let it work itself out), is a farce in this administration. AND TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE, the current lame duck administration does not have the tools to handle what is going on with our economic crisis, which as numbers are plummeting and unemployment is rising could lead us down the path to Depression. Yes, Depression, as in the economic crisis that happened nearly every other decade during the 19th Century and the hit the world hard in 1930.

I worry of a time when we will return to Hoovervilles and we will be (rightfully so) blaming our leaders for putting the Iraq War first, and let the economy go into utter turmoil. FDR and his New Deal Liberalism (the same liberalism that is dammed now...hmmm wonder why) stepped in to quell the tensions that hit the pockets of American people throughout the land. Classic case of government interference, the antithesis of laissez fair. The constant message that historians write about in 20th century history is how the battle between the Democrat and Republican party has been a tug of war over New Deal liberalism--which was initially expanded by LBJ in the 1960s but was dismantled throughout the 1980s-up until now. And here we are....

New Deal liberalism is over. But maybe it should be reinvented and reshaped to fit the ideal of America today, a 21st century New Deal, for I feel this economic crisis will be with us for sometime. Action needs to happen now, yet our Administration is unfit to handle it. They just are, by the lameness of their "duck" status and by ignoring 8 years of the horrific realities and implications of laissez faire in the new Global economy. Of course, we can't forget (nor forgive)their support of the "fat cats" who are to blame. 2008 will go into history as privitization gone awry.

McCain is going to be addressing the people momentarily to discuss how he plans on changing things. He has been equally in line with the laissez fair status quo policies of the FAILED Administration. He has even stated, then recanted, then stated again, that he does not know much about the "economy," foreign policy is his expertise. Then, John McCain, first, how are YOU going to fix the economy? Secondly, how are you going to thwart the threat of War with Pakistan, esp. since you and your partner Palin are avowed and proud HAWKS?

We need an FDR. We may not get one...but ask yourself. Are you truly better off than you were 8-7-6-5-4- years ago? In the campaign, we have a choice: the record stands between one who supports the Bush economic policy and one who ABSOLUTELY does not. It's too early to call or even pretend to equate Barack Obama to FDR. But knowing McCain, could you even try? I would rather take a chance and go with something different, a new ideal and an economic policy that is laid out in detail on than stick with the lassiez faire economics of the 20th century. We need new terms and new ways of thinking about this new economy. We need to hold those who plundered these corporations and institutions into the mud accountable.

I am no economist. I am a historian, who has a PhD level grasp on 20th century American history. So, this alarms me.

Must give a shout out to a close friend of mine who is a lawyer out there in the corporate world, a voice of the reason, who IMO has a great grasp of the American political and economic landscape. I asked him to "Talk Me Down" to borrow the phrase from Rachel Maddow. It helped, so thanks TB.


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