Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Into the realm of insanity...,8599,1842097,00.html

OK: breaking news from the far out reaches of absurdity. A "nameless" group broke into Gov. Palin's private email account. Calling it a violation of the law, the Republican camp is trying to suppress the emails from becoming public. The emails show that she indeed used her yahoo account to conduct government business. The fact that the McCain camp wants them to be suppressed AND why they want to literally halt the "Troopgate" investigation, proves that there is something to hide. The fun thing is, although I have yet to see them, they have been leaked. (I like how serious political issues can be compared to an update from TMZ...oh the absurdity!)

What we learned from Watergate in the early 1970s, and maybe even a bit from Clinton in the 1990s, it's not necessarily the deed that will "shock the pants off you," it is the cover up, and the lying and abuse of power that is involved in the cover up.

Truth supports credibility. Lies and politics mix as well as mentos and soda

I have noticed that while we have had a serious financial crisis here, that has reach the status level of EMERGENCY: RED ALERT-- the president that supported "alerts" in the name of safety and terror (Orange, Blue Green, Chartreuse) is NO WHERE TO BE FOUND TO ADDRESS THE NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE AND GIVES US, IF ANYTHING, DISCUSS THIS WITH US, TELL US WHAT'S UP?. AT LEAST PRETEND TO BE WORKING!

It's befuddling, it takes a political candidate to support on and give us the confidence that we will make it through this. A candidate that has based his campaign on the ideology of "hope" and "change."

YES. Out of three major political figures, the president and the two presidential candidates, only one is talking about the issues and making Americans feel like there is a plan to change what is going on. And what is going on is really really bad--next up, WashMutual (looking grim), Morgan Stanley (yougottabekiddingme) and the government loans that are bailing out companies like AIG (85 BILLION DOLLARS) are not backed with "real" money (i.e. making it really hard for the government, the American dollar, the people--especially the middle and lower classes, to withstand financial ruin).

The Republicans say that by making this look like a crisis, Obama is exploiting the issues on Wall and Main Streets to his advantage. Yet, while pointing that sophomoric finger at Senator Obama, the Republicans have no other plan to attack the ruination of the American economy.

Meanwhile, Senator Obama is stating his plans. ANSWERING QUESTIONS ON HOW TO DEAL WITH THE ECONOMY AND MAKING A STANCE ON THE ENORMITY OF THIS ISSUE. He is not running the same lines over and over again, ad-naseum, in a pathetic attempt to numb the American psyche.

The Republicans refuse to take ownership of the issues of today and possibly the next few months. They want to say it's the Democrat congress, which took office last January AFTER 6 YEARS OF SOLE REPUBLICAN AND DE-REGULATORY AND DISINGENUOUS RULE.

Incredible. The McCain campaign based itself on the "straight talk;" his fundamentals were based on his ability to shake things up, Maverick-style, and promote transparency, accountability, and honesty. What happened?

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