Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Sticky Web We Weave

Who is to blame for the need to "bail"out Wall Street in order to save Main Street?

Who has managed the immediacy of this economic crisis by pure faulty oversight and an outdated and dismissive philosophy of "trickle down" economics?

Who is damning the media for telling the truth?

These are all questions we are asking. A main theme of this election is the issue of accountability. With accountability comes ownership. For example, if you oversleep on a day you have a final exam, do you blame yourself, or the university for scheduling the exam during your "nap" time? Or even better, and this comes from experience, do you blame the professor for teaching a class you signed up and paid for?

Owning up to what you did is an important model for authenticity, and authenticity should be a goal for most. Making yourself accountable and owning up to past mistakes is the ultimate marker for respect.

So instead of blogging about the political train wreck of these past days, I leave with rhetorical questions.

Who is to blame?
Who is in charge?
Who supports those in charge?
Who promotes change?
Who do you trust MOST to promote change and derail the disastrous future the past 8 years has made us vulnerable to?

Register and vote!

And remind yourself, and all others, that Moscow is almost 5,000 miles away from Alaska.

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