Friday, September 12, 2008

Fact check!!!

I get really concerned when people who cannot construct a decent sentence or spell correctly are more than willing to chime in on why they support a given candidate. I get even more concerned when these same people point to forwarded emails as "proof" of a person's belief systems.
Obama is a racist? REALLY? A man who grew up with a white family, is white himself, is racist. Michelle Obama is un-American because she stated that she was proud of her country for the first time in a long time...more pride does not mean she has NEVER BEEN PROUD. For someone who was born in 1964 she missed out on some really good moments and frankly the way politics have been the past two decades there has not been much to be proud of. Moments, but nothing consistent, fresh or new. Read people, research people!!!

John McCain, a hero and possible military icon was born in 1936. He represents the way things have been and many people are not happy with that. His experience lies in the support of failed foreign policies and the success in the politics of fear. He put his life on the line, honorably, in support for a war that was flawed. He now supports another. Preemptive war and offensive tactics are part of his lexicon. If you feel safer and believe that the state and welfare of our great nation is good--economically sound, militarily in the right place and socially connected, then McCain is definitely your man.

Barrack Obama was born in 1961. He had the privilege of a good education which placed him in some very diverse areas of this country--HI, CA, NYC, Boston, and his job led him to Illinois. The racist card is pretty hard to play with his diverse background and work with working class people across the country. But I think the anti-Obama spin-masters out there are freaking out because they really can't find anything to pockmark his character. (His wife being a racist is just incredibly absurd; is she racist against her husband and children too?) Twisted logic will not work because most of us are more educated than that, we can see the facts and we know where to research such facts.

Fact: Obama talks about the things most politicians try to hide in his 1995 book "Dreams of my Father." Yes, published in 1995 when he had little to no experience. If you support McCain, I suggest you read this book. He comes clean on all his issues in an honest and profound way. By nature, all human beings are flawed; most politicians would not dare admit it. Obama does.

Fact. In his first year in Congress he authored and/or sponsored over 600 bills.

Fact. Since day one in Congress he has worked toward changing the way of politics--smear tactics, the power of lobbyist and the support of those who make more money than they can spend--that is politics people, and that is what he wants to change. For more, you can begin with the 2006 Coburn Obama Government Transparency Act.

Fact. Since he entered the U.S. Senate, Senator Obama has written 890 bills and co-sponsored another 1096. This supports the FACT that he has a large legislative record.

Fact. Obama does not only "talk the talk" he came into Congress on a mission, fed up with power being in the hands of the few. He believes not matter what you are, Dem/Rep, black/white, male/female, we all have a stake in our future. Coalition politics is his goal, not just the good ole' boys but a plethora of people who represent what our country IS and HAS BEEN for quite some time.

It is time for change, don't you think?

Military experience is McCain's strength and our recent military policies he has supported and he will probably support more in the name of preemptiveness or fear and terror. Haven't we learned from Iraq? Furthermore, his nomination is fracturing his party. This new allegation in the Times is only the beginning, there will be more.
Social, economic and political fairness is Barrack Obama's strength, as is his coalition politics and his foresight in not only seeing Iraq as a quagmire early on, but also in writing his memoirs so he could get all his demons and challenges out in the open to share with those of us who are willing to admit their flaws and limits. He represents a breath of fresh air. His constituency transcends the normal boundaries of gender, race, class and status. His message touches Americans of all types, shapes and hues. There is a reason for that. Only those who still have issue with race will bring in race, and that will be rather foolish; he is just as much white as he is black right?

So the choice is stay where we are and support a candidate who will "recapture the American Dream" for many of us do feel it is beginning to become a nightmare

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