Sunday, September 14, 2008

Make a call, email a friend or donate....whatever you want!

People, it is time to get mobilized. Get out there or stay home in your pjs. It doesn't matter, as long as you spread the word. If you have a friend's dog's cousin that lives in MI, CO, VA, FL (or anyone below the Mason Dixon), NH, VT, to their owners. Engage in dialogue, send a button, spread the word via links etc. Let's shock them, who believe in this premise of the Republican ticket, if there is one right now. IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID!!! And that is no insult to Republicans, who many I know is supporting the Dem ticket for the first time ever! All Republicans are good people! This Republican ticket this time around WILL NOT make good leaders, that is what matters. And this Dem ticket, YES, this time around, will--those looking for the Obama smears..don't you think the wolves have been sent when he battled HILLARY (?), did we just learn about Barack last week?

Those who just can't vote for a Dem or a man with 50 percent of African (that is sooooo 1789) blood, should vote for McCain but please register in a class on ethics, culture, American history, The Great Depression, The 1960s, etc. You can sign up for mine!!

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