Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I'm speechless, so I will make this brief, but expect a cerebral hemorrhage of a blog within the next few days:

John McCain: today he promised to get back at the "fat cats" who made the economy a mess

His campaign manager:
Rick Davies--former lobbyist for Fannie Mae
Largest corporate donor
Merrill Lynch

The economy, in some interviews he says, is fundamentally sound. Meanwhile, banks are closing. He says he wants to change how things are done in Washington; yet he has been in Washington since 1982? How does that send the message of change my friend?

One of the major spokeswomen for the McCain campaign, his economic strategist, and former head of Hewlett Packard(she was fired by the Board of Directors after she merged HP with Compaq) Carly Fiorina, told a radio program today that she does not think Sarah Palin could run a major 1.2 billion corporation (HP was the example) but she is ready to be Vice-President or President if the opportunity is presented to her?

I'm sorry, I have to let the facts speak for themselves.

I wanted to write on the MYTH that an Obama Presidency would raise taxes (it won't for folks making 250,000 or less), but now I am speechless.

Barack Obama does not need to approve this message because the McCain campaign is doing the job for him...

(for more on Carly Fiorina: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carly_Fiorina)

And I did this without even mentioning the "Troopergate" fiasco....

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