Friday, September 12, 2008

The personal is political when you run for public office!

I've been watching (maybe too much) of the political hankering on television these past two weeks. I have noticed how careful and PC the media has been about sheltering the personal issues on both sides, in both campaigns. I hear everyone say and agree, the personal lives of the candidate should stay out of the campaign and campaign coverage.BULLSHIT!

We do not live in the days of the media covering up Presidential misdeeds--a la JFK--we live in the days where there are special counsels set up using tax payers money to plug, push and shove into the personal lives of our public figures, from President to sports figures. While in the limelight, your personal lives will be under scrutiny (that's how magazines and such make their money). But one would especially be highlighted by the media when they run on issues that are just not refelcted in their personal lives...and they expect YOU to espouse the issues even when they can't.
Two examples:

1) Bill Clinton was impeached by the House because he lied about a BJ in the oval office PURE MEDIA SENSATION! (personal)

2) Our current president, lied and misled the public into a quagmire that it will take a miracle to get out of...lives are lost, young lives..proud and courageous Americans who could have made their mark on this world....not only has there not been a trial to question the President's misdeeds and the underhanded nature and judegement of this quagmire and our failures to live up to the values of what our great country stands for but he gets a pass and his party can dismiss him as a mistaken president and clamor for us to vote for them because they have "changed" (political)HUH???

I end with this, if Sasha Obama was 16 years old and preggers and a "f-ing" thugged out football player was the baby's daddy, not only would he not be invited to sit with a potential White House family, he would be on the stage with his soon to be father in law, because that father in law would NOT be a nominee for President. There's no way in hell that if the tables were turned we would say "family off limits."America....gotta love it!

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