Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hypocritically wrong! We're broke and we have to bail out greed...

The following is a transcript of the latest Obama ad. Sometimes the people you surround yourself with say alot about the person you are:

"John McCain admits he doesn’t understand the economy
So who advises him?
Carly Fiorina, the fired CEO who got a $42 million golden parachute.
Phil Gramm, the ex-Senator who pushed through deregulation, and called Americans hurt by this economy "whiners."
Then there’s George Bush, whose disastrous policies McCain wants to continue.
They think the economy is fundamentally strong.
We know they’re fundamentally wrong." 9/18 Obama supported...

Anyway, on that note, let's first begin with John McCain's vice presidential pick. This is not ageism, it's reality. John McCain, a man who courageously battled cancer 3 times, and if elected will be the oldest man ever elected president, picked a Washington outsider who (to put it lightly) has little to no experience on major foreign or domestic issues, replaced the good ol' boy Republican network in her own state with half of her high school friends, is currently trying her best to cover up an "abuse of power" investigation that was launched by her own party AND has been tip toeing around major questions on major issues and will speak at "invitation only" events as well as choose who she is interviewed by, what questions she is asked, and when she can be available to do an interview....ok too many ands and to risk the cruelty of all grammar run on no- no-s....

Sarah Palin is literally closer to the presidency than any other vice presidential candidate in history. An avowed extreme right-winger who makes our current VP look good, is that close to deciding what to do on the economy and handle the global crises involving countries like Russia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iran, IRAQ, now Spain (McCain's bad, he did not know the name of the president and thought the interviewer was questioning him on a leader in Latin America, it's more complex but you can read about it OR it may come up again in another post), Columbia, Bolivia, let alone all the loss of American economic independence and peddling for money from countries we are economically competitive with. Is she prepared?

Look at John McCain's inner circle and surrogates (supporters who go on TV to support him). Carly Fiorina has finally been told to stop talking after her gaffe the other day. The Republican congressional leaders who dare to talk in support of JMc try to distant him and their own selves from the failed policies of the current REPUBLICAN president--all who supported the President and McCain's policies...until Monday. He has over 150 lobbyists working in his campaign, yet he says he needs to change how Washington does it's business with lobbyists. He has supported deregulating the big corporations--throughout his life as a "fundamental de-regulator," yet now he blames the regulators for this quagmire on Wall Street. This is a crisis that even some of the best economists can't seem to figure out. He asked for a committee to investigate a crisis that needs to be solved immediately. On Tuesday he said that he would not suggests any kind of regulatory agency to help with the crisis, then on Thursday he announced a grand plan entitled M.F.I. and it don't even want to make a joke about what that stands for but I could use the first two initials to describe how I feel about the economic future of this country. The ultimate flip-flopper who said he is not a big fan of email, yet his economic advisor suggested on Tuesday that he invented the Blackberry ( a Canadian invention).


Barack Obama and John McCain are only individuals. They cannot solely have the answer, and truly no one can figure this thing out. But instead of making up ABC organizations (after only the day before saying he wouldn't go all depression style with FDR-like ABC organizations), McCain has not said a damn thing on the economy. Barack Obama has summoned a group of economic experts, not fired HP directors, but academics, insiders and outsiders, financial advisers etc, to come up with a solution that can help quell the tensions now. The finality of this plan will be announced on Friday. Meanwhile, Barry is not yet the president, must we remind ourselves. The REAL? president addressed the media for the first time today (Katrina, anyone?) and stated that he is working on the solution in a 86 second speech. I am sure the solution involves a special potion that can make him jump into the future...destined date, January 19, 2009.

Meanwhile, must we be reminded, the REAL John McCain has voted with the president 91% of the time, ON ALL ISSUES, including the issues that led to the financial breakdown, the worst since (as predicted by ME only days ago--on this site) THE DEPRESSION.

John McCain, post-lipstick on a pig attempt, is at a loss. And there is a why....real issues do matter, my friend.

Finally, while taxpayers are paying for greed, JM demands the firing of the SEC chair. How much he knows about Europe (i.e. Spain andCzechoslovakia) is about how much he knows about the Constitution. NO PRESIDENT CAN FIRE AN APPOINTEE HIRED BY THE PRESIDENT. Another check in the balance....and you're running for what?

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