Friday, September 12, 2008

An Absolute Horrid Double Standard. Democracy at RISK!

I am witnessing a horrible double standard that has been apparent in this political season and I am really struggling with it.

McCain supporters tell Obama supporters to be careful about attacking Sarah Palin. "It may come back to hurt you!" Then, McCain can base his campaign on attacking and absolute LYING about Barack Obama and that is "politics."

If Barack Obama or any of his supporters go out and tell the TRUTH about the McCain/Palin ticket, they are ridiculed for their lack of sensitivity, sexism, smears yada yada.


Obama is running a campaign based on issues and is trying to keep the tenor of this VERY IMPORTANT ELECTION at a respectful, and as fair as possible, level. I agree with him on keeping this as toned down as possible, but come on!

Some O supporters feel that if he were to go off and get down and dirty (I don't think anyone can stoop to the level of the awful smears the McCain campaign has recently put out) he would be labeled as the "angry black man," a label and connotation that dates back to before Obama was even born. Angry black man, for some, is much more dangerous than war with Russia for some. Simplistic reasoning it may seem for 2008--but they way the McPalin's have initiated the culture wars of past eras point to the fact that they want Americans to regress in that ways we think about cultural and ethnic diversity.

It's clear--Obama is on thin ice and has to be perfect to be selected as the right person for the most powerful position in the world. The number 2 on the other ticket, doesn't need a passport(she got her's last year and went out of North America for the first time in 2007, so endearing), doesn't know foriegn policy, has questionable political ethics, doesn't believe in reproductive rights (which were achieved before she was 10 years old), has no clue about urban problems (but that makes her likeable), feels that options of nuclear war are open, believes that church and state cannot be separate because a person's belief is what should guide their decision making....I could go on but Americans know... but we cannot criticize her or else it's sexism, and you know the Republicans and how they feel about sexism...

Barack Obama has been vetted by the media and the American public for almost two years. We have known the potential next President of the US for two weeks, and she gets to pick who she talks to or pull out that same ol speech and that's ok? She brings crowds. The polls (which I think are a sham) have the two parties in a dead heat. THERE IS SERIOUSLY SOMETHING WRONG HERE--A DOUBLE STANDARD THAT IS VERY DANGEROUS TO DEMOCRACY!!!

Vote for McCain/Palin, because they have proven that they know how to dig up major issues from the past. They have proven they could restart the Culture Wars and would be willing to restart the Cold War as well. AND PEOPLE ARE BUYING THIS.

With much respect to the party of Lincoln, COUNTRY FIRST? No, since the doomsday of the 2000 election it has been WIN ELECTION FIRST...what you do after...ah what-ever.

WE ARE BETTER THAN THIS. I love my country way too much to fall for the crap that has been thrown to us by the Republican ticket. I love my country way too much to accept regression and the roll backs of all the gains this country has made since 1865. I love my country so much and now I am freightened to death. I am freightened to find out the only reason a VERY WEAK AND VERY SCARY Bush III-Republican ticket could take office is because the right man for the job is half-black. His story is the absolute rags to riches American Dream tale. His vision is to put that ideal back into the American lexicon. He wants US to be proud of US again. But, go ahead culture war--vote McCain---cold war HOT--vote McCain.

We are better than this, and if you REALLY think you should vote for McCain/Palin because they are the people you would have a drink with, then you are skewed in politics and we are screwed for the future. We are not electing friends---our future is at stake!

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