Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Undeniable--"that one" won!

It's undeniable, this time. Obama won the debate. What a surprise ;)

There was a sense of something in the air in Nashville tonight. Something more than just a debate.

It was a settling sense of "the real." A sense that in our future, we are going to have a leader in the White House who will reshape the social climate of America, help quell the tensions of the unstable global economy, be a leader on tough issues by studying them, consulting with all sides, which will consequently lead to bridging the divisions that are unhealthy for any Democracy. Democracy in America! This sense is grounded in aplomb, class, intelligence, patience and Presidential.

President Obama, for all the research seems to point to AND over 95% of the world agrees, would restore confidence in America, what it stands for and how it should lead in the future. He will bring a breath of fresh air into the West Wing--education is a bonus--but he brings so much more to the table. One only needs to watch the debate to see, just by appearance, Barack Obama is a lobbyist not for greedy corporations who have robbed the pocket of the masses to pad the pocket of the richest few; but a lobbyist for the common person, like me, like you, like most Americans in this land.

Obama exudes calm, when rocky waters flow. Obama's presence is pure class--respectful, thoughtful and balanced. He remains grounded in his beliefs, ideas and initiatives that will bring America out of a Bush/Cheney induced slumber and age of apathy. In essence we are asking this man to take the world on his shoulders and point us all toward the right direction headed for the future.

Obama very well may be Atlas, but unlike the capitalist objectivists (yes, my beloved Randians) who led this economy into a ditch suggest he should do, he will not--SHRUG. He will lead....

In other words, "that one," you know....HIM...has not only my support but the support of the majority people in this WORLD! (Every country polled has supported Obama, the closest McCain got was in South Africa 61% Obama 26% McCain--hmmmm )

"That one" and "Whats-its-name" 08

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