Thursday, October 2, 2008

Live from LA...I got to watch the debates!!!

I think Sarah Palin held her own in maintaining the "talking points" and accomplished her goal. Bravo.

Vice Presidential. ABSOLUTELY NOT! She was scripted and stuck to the same show. First, she acted like she did not know that Biden tragically lost his wife and daughter in a car accident while Christmas shopping in 1972. He was left to raise his surviving two kids. To play the "raise the family" card works well with most female politicians who debate against male politicians; however a big gaffe was that she could not play that card with Biden, although she tried to anyway. I truly do not believe she knew, or she may not have remembered this fact about Biden's life and experience. A big mistake, and truly a shift in gender and politics.

Nonetheless, I am impressed with how good Palin was able to shape her own debate. But starting out with, "I'm not going to answer the questions, but talk to the American people" defies the whole point of the debate; is that how she plans to shape government in DC? "I'm not going to follow the rules, I'm going to do what I want to" (or what I am told to do). I guess that supports her claim that Dick Cheney's only mistake as VP was shooting his friend in the face.

YIKES! Cheney has abused his powers in such ways one day there may be a trial of "high crimes and misdemeanors" against him. But in her mind, she would like to continue the expansion of the VP role, something that goes against the Constitution, let alone defies the system and law that has been followed from 1789-2000.

Leading up to the debate, the media hovered over Palin and suggested that if she stood her ground she would win. Well we forgot something and someone--Joe Biden. Joe Biden more than stood his ground. He was knowledgeable, competent, and definitely vice-presidential, if not presidential. He is the man I want in the room with my president when decisions are made. And that is what this comes down to: who is a leader, who will recapture the American dream for the middle class and working people (and Palin blending the working class with the middle class, is EXTREMELY PROBLEMATIC), fight the war on REAL terror--not in Iraq, bring back American credibility, and has the experience to bridge the global gaps of the US v. THEM mentality that started with the incumbent Bush/Cheney, from 9/11/2001 to the present.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden, prove time and time again how they will bring the country out of the malaise of the past 8 years.

Finally, the thought of Palin leading Senate is scary. BUT having a Senator in that position, a Senator that has Senate experience, is quite a good idea.

Well done Biden. We underestimated you, and because of that, the Democrat ticket held their own and with the polls (and McCain giving up on Michigan, Go Blue!) there should not be a major change in the numbers.

Well done Senator Biden!

1 comment:

newyorkobserver said...


You always make me feel better. Your worldview is always clear, wise and full of insight. The "gender" family responsibility was a dynamic I did not see...a moment of time in equalizing or at least helping to sensitize our assumptions about men and women. Your assessment which was visceral to me that you wanted Biden in the room with Obama renewed my confidence in the reality of their success on November 4. The pundits described Palin as a wolverine latching on to the pantleg of Biden during the debate. You pointed out that the wolverines in Michigan (go BLUE) are chasing the McCain/Palin ticket out of town! Keep up the great is helping me get through this up and down nail biting election.