Thanks to openthread from Daily Kos, I had to share because it seemed so true.
You can find Obama/Biden's October Surprise at:
And Sarah, thanks for bringing up Obama's ties to a radical from the 1960s in Nevada (normally a safe "red" state) on Sunday. Yeah, Bill Ayers a madman student radical; so were some of my family members, mentors and colleagues...their in the 60s now, ya know aandd, um, they don't live in the past and have moved on. That's so like BEFORE I WAS BORN!
The irony here, Madame Govenour, you stated the other night, and I quote, "We can't look to the past to determine our future"
OKAY that's not a direct quote but it was something I think you tried to say between a doggone it and **wink ** So, by breaking open the can of the past and "guilt by association" tactic, let's go there:
We could start with your own husband's association with the Alaskan Succession Party (AP). Then we could discuss your mission from God and the demons and witches that were lifted from your shoulders by a pastor at your church earlier this year (Viral, MSNBC). What about the 17,000 dollars you had your tax payers pay for you to stay at home? Or even, what about the lie you told the other night about divestment in Sudan; you said you supported a plan for Alaska to stop sending millions to the genocidal Sudanese government on Thursday, HOWEVER, you stopped the bi-partisan bill in the Alaskan house -- YOU TAKE OWNERSHIP OF ISSUES BROUGHT TO YOUR TABLE THAT YOU YOURSELF SQUASH -- that in OUR America is LYING DURING A DEBATE! (ABC news)
Nevertheless, how 'bout your co-Maverick: the affair (yes, while McCain was married) with a female lobbyist is cited as foreign policy experience. Maverick McCain, you met your current wife, while married, at a bar and left your wife for her (Washington Post). You have been linked to criminal lobbyists throughout your career, yet you want to kill earmarks that make sure our bridges and tunnels are safe (McCain). You have supported President Bush between 80-90% of the time which is pretty much ALL THE TIME (except in campaign finance reform and with folks losing jobs and homes, what common "Jan Kegger" gives a frack.) And, oh yes, the um dagnabit K-E-A-T-I-N-G F-I-V-E scandal that made you a fortune and cost the American people millions. And all this, Sir, happened during my lifetime, unlike Bill Ayers. And these are things done by the candidate, not someone, somewhat and tangentially associated with one.
Guys, you ran yourself into this one. Whomever is advising you, really should think about applying to McDonald's after this campaign is over, they are hiring and they give great benefits. And think of all you can learn!
In an economy like this and in "wars" on two fronts, um...well....ya kNow, we can play this card too and from this vantage point it looks tremendously more damaging...
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