Last night, was the final of all debates. That part is finally over! Now we must remind ourselves that folks need to make it to the polls to vote for the new POTUS.
It's been a long time. From the cold day in Illinois in February 2007, to now with the election almost two weeks away. Time flies. Yet maturity is part of time and if you followed Barack Obama from February of last year to today you will note the level of maturity that shaped Barack Obama, no longer the junior Senator from Illinois, through the vigor of debate, discussion and discourse for the past two years Barack Obama is READY to be the President of the United States.
It's not over, so there is still work to do. We must vote! But as we do so we need to keep in mind that more independent and even Republican leaning newspapers are endorsing Obama. Obama is at least 10 points ahead in every poll and if you are worried about the Bradley effect (subtract 4) but let me put into your head the Obama effect: men and women who say that they will vote for McPlain, yet in the privacy of the booth, vote Obama. Most economists, foriegn policy experts and global leaders have endorsed Obama while Republicans are jumping off the McCain/Palin train by the numbers for they see it crashing ahead. It looks good, but we cannot sit comfortably until Wednesday Nov. 5 2008 (I already have the day off).
As I reflect back, and think about how folks can support McCain and Palin, I decided to think about why I couldn't vote for that ticket. I think the real problem with the ticket is twofold:
1) There has not been a concrete plan proposed by the Republicans, and when there is one it does not stay on the table for a long period of time. John McCain has tried and said everything, so much so he has touted the Socialist line of government helping out Wall/Main Streets all the while proposing Republican initiatives that give back to the rich people (i.e. keeping Bush's tax cuts and cutting capital gains taxes when there is only a few companies making gains ???). Those two are polar opposites, thus impossible to legislate. So stick to one, and leave it there OR be seen as erratic....sounds familiar.
2) Sarah Palin: Last night John McCain stated that he repudiated all the hateful things said about Barack during Mc/Plain rallies. BUT WAIT! HE HAS YET TO REPUDIATE WHAT HIS OWN RUNNING MATE STARTED, YOU KNOW, THE WHOLE "PALLING AROUND WITH TERRORIST" COMMENT. He ignored it when asked last night and he looked foolish for doing so. Palin is a cancer on the McCain ticket--her know-nothing populism is exactly what we DON'T need. For the "know-nothing" party check out Wikipedia, for that is what party i think she is...
Nevertheless, we need people who know what they are talking about, and if McCain isn't quite sure, how can we be sure that Palin is.
Finally, and less subtly but it needs to be pointed out!
Last night, John McCain reminded women their place in American society. In another out of touch moment that will not be addressed in the mainstream media, McCain stated that he was categorically against Roe v. Wade even if the mother's health is at risk. YES HE DID. Look at the tape, he puts air quotes when he says "health" and states that is a dubious claim made by pro-abortion proponents. Woman are baby making machines in the eyes of the Republican candidate. Holy 1885! Holy 1919! Holy 1950s! Holy...
1) I don't know anyone (as suggested by Barack last night) that is pro-abortion. I do not know anyone going up to people saying, "pregnant? get an abortion!" No, what I do see is folks having a tough decision on whether or not to keep a child. A private decision that has nothing to do with the government. It is about choice NOT PRO.
2) This "decision" was granted to Sarah Palin's daughter, yet it should not be a choice for the rest of America? Remember, the campaign stated that the Palin's were "proud of their daughter's decision"...DECISION implies CHOICE.
3) To strip women's right of control over OUR bodies is problematic on so many levels but to go out and state that women should not have the decision or choice, is abominable! It shows how McCain, himself, is a man from another era, IT PROVES HE DOES NOT HAVE A CLUE!
Overturning Roe v. Wade is a disastrous idea, and most Americans do not want to see it overturned, they would rather have more sex education and more information out there to encourage women to keep their babies--as opposed to misinformation and women going to butchers to abort a baby in a backstreet alley and in unsanitary conditions. No one is pro-abortion; we are just pro-choice and it should be women who shape this discourse (that's why I did not rant on Palin's ridiculousness on the issue)--not men!

The same decision made by the Vice Presidential nominee's underage and unwed daughter, should be granted to all women, even those of age and married.
Congrats Bar, you handled it well! Last night showed, once again, what dangers lie behind a McCain/Palin administration....